Monday, August 3, 2009

Stads Herberg, Penginapan Ternama di Pelabuhan Batavia

STADS Herberg pernah begitu ngetop di masa kejayaan jalur pelayaran dunia. Ketika Terusan Suez dibuka pada 1869, Stads Herberg makin menikmati masa jaya. Tempat penginapan di dekat Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa ini mencapai zaman keemasan pada periode 1849-1885.

Adalah HS van Hogezand yang berinisiatif membangun rumah singgah yang lebih luas pada 1849. Ia menyadari bahwa perpindahan Kleine Boom (kantor kecil pabean) dari kanal sebelah barat ke bagian timur pada 1 Februari 1848 akan menguntungkan keberadaan rumah singgah miliknya.

Ketika itu Van Hogezand sudah memiliki penginapan kecil yang sudah dimulai sejak 1820 dan ia menyadari bahwa siapapun yang turun dari kapal atau akan berangkat naik kapal pasti melewati depan pintu penginapannya. Maka kemudian ketika Kleine Boom dipindah, ia mengajukan izin melebarkan bangunan.

Para pendatang yang tiba di Batavia pada malam hari bisa menginap di Stads Herberg sebelum menyasar tempat tujuan di pusat kota dengan mengendarai sado atau delman, demikian pula mereka yang menunggu kapal untuk berangkat menuju tempat lain bisa menginap di tempat itu.

Scott Merrillees dalam buku Batavia in The Nineteenth Century Photograhps menuliskan, insting bisnis Hogezand terus menambah isi koceknya manakala di tahun 1850 ia menyewakan kamar kecil di sisi utara bangunannya kepada J Parker, seorang Inggris, yang berbisnis perlengkapan kapal. Parker memberi nama tokonya "Marine Stores".

Keuntungan yang sudah diberikan dari hasil penginapan itu kemudian malah membuat Hogezand memutuskan untuk menjual Stads Herberg pada 1852. Padahal saat itu merupakan awal dari masa keemasan penginapan tersebut. JE Tentee adalah pemilik Stads Herberg berikutnya.

Setelah memberi keuntungan pada Hogezand, penginapan itu kemudian memberi keuntungan lebih besar pada Tentee manakala The Groote Boom (kantor besar pabean) juga dipindah ke sisi timur pada 1852. Itu artinya lebih banyak lagi orang berseliweran persis di depan pintu penginapannya. Stads Herberg terus bersinar hingga di tahun 1885. Sinarnya mulai pudar seiring pembukaan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok di mana orang tak lagi turun dan naik dari pelabuhan tua dia Batavia.

Di tahun 1914 kepemilikan gedung Stads Herberg sudah berpindah tangan ke Ong Tek Hin. Kali ini tak lagi digunakan sebagai penginapan tapi sebagai gudang. Dari catatan sejarah, gedung ini masih ada hingga tahun 1949 namun kemudian, seperti banyak bangunan bersejarah lain, bangunan ini ikut dihancurkan.

Dari atas Menara Syahbandar dulu kala, Stads Herberg bisa terlihat, demikian pula suasana kesibukan pasar ikan, Kleine Boom dan Groote Boom. Sebenarnya boom dalam bahasa Belanda bermakna pohon, jadi kleine boom dan groote boom berarti pohon kecil dan pohon besar. Perihal asal muasal nama tersebut berawal dari sekitar abad 18 yaitu di mana Belanda memasang balok kayu di depan Sungai Ciliwung untuk membatasi masuk keluarnya warga ke dalam kawasan pelabuhan.

Lokasi pemasangan balok kayu itu kemudian dikenal sebagai groote boom, kebetulan di depan kantor pabean. Seluruh perahu yang masuk dan keluar harus melalui pos pemeriksaan ini.

Sedangkan lokasi di luar balok kayu kemudian dikenal sebagai luar batang dan menjadi nama kampung yaitu Luar Batang. Nama Batang diambil dari (batang) kayu yang menjadi pembatas antara pintu masuk dan keluar kawasan pelabuhan.

Jika di masa kini kita melihat kawasan tersebut dari atas Menara Syahbandar, sejauh mata memandang yang terlihat hanyalah kawasan kumuh dengan sungai yang kotor. Beberapa bangunan tua yang tersisa kondisinya sudah reyot menanti ajal. Pokoknya, semua lenyap tak berbekas. Gedung yang masih bertahan tak lain gedung yang kini jadi Museum Bahari dan Menara Syahbandar itu sendiri. Pasar ikan, yang dibangun di tahun 1846, pun tersisa nama saja.

WARTA KOTA Pradaningrum Mijarto

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Giving Meaning to the Lawang Sewu

Bicara tentang Kota Semarang tak genap jika tak menyebut Lawang Sewu. Gedung tua bikinan Belanda di awal abad ke-20 ini masih berdiri anggun dalam keuzurannya. Bangunan dua lantai ini bak lukisan yang menggenapi keindahan kawasan Tugu Muda, tempat bangunan ini berdiri. Seperti arsitektur bangunan kolonial di awal abad 20, bangunan ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan sistem canggih dalam urusan saluran air dan udara. Belum lagi teknologi glasir yang begitu sempurna, padahal batu granit dipesan dan dibikin di Jerman.

Gedung bekas kantor Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS), jawatan kereta api di zaman Belanda, ini menarik perhatian bukan hanya warga Semarang, melainkan juga sutradara film, sampai-sampai mereka tega merusak bangunan cagar budaya ini hanya demi pencapaian setting film Ayat-ayat Cinta dan Dendam Kuntil Anak.

Seusai dijadikan kantor NIS, gedung ini digunakan sebagai kantor Djawatan Kereta Api Indonesia (DKAI), kini menjadi PT Kereta Api (KA). Bangunan ini juga pernah menjadi markas militer, Komando Daerah Militer (Kodam) IV/Diponegoro dan Kanwil Departeman Perhubungan Jawa Tengah.

Pertempuran sengit yang terkenal sebagai pertempuran lima hari juga terjadi di sini. Pada pertempuran yang terjadi 14-19 Agustus 1945 itu, puluhan Angkatan Muda Kereta Api (AMKA) gugur. Beberapa jasad dimakamkan di halaman depan Lawang Sewu.

Sejarah mencatat, fondasi pertama bangunan ini dibikin pada 27 Februari 1904 dengan konstruksi beton berat dan di atasnya kemudian didirikan sebuah dinding dari batu belah. Semua material penting didatangkan dari Eropa, kecuali batu bata, batu gunung, dan kayu jati. Gedung ini resmi digunakan pada 1907.

Pihak kereta api kemudian menyerahkan halaman depan seluas 3.542 m2 pada Pemkodya Semarang. Adapun makam di halaman itu dipindah ke Taman Makam Pahlawan Giri Tunggal pada 2 Juli 1975. Kini, lahan gedung Lawang Sewu tersisa sekitar 1,4 hektar.

Kini, PT KA sudah siap dengan pendataan kerusakan bangunan. Pendataan dilakukan oleh tim yang diketuai Kriswandhono dari Pusat Studi Urban Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang. Pendataan ini merupakan langkah awal pemugaran Lawang Sewu menjadi kompleks bangunan yang difungsikan kembali. Fungsi apakah nantinya? Tentu itu masih dalam tahap perencanaan. Yang pasti, bangunan karya arsitek Belanda, Jacob F Klinkhamer dan BJ Ouendag, ini punya masalah dengan air dan itu sangat mendesak.

"Kalau hujan, air dari atap sudah bukan bocor lagi, tapi byur gitu. Atap juga bisa segera ambrol. Yang bikin belum ambrol, ya, prinsip beton yang menahan kuat. Tapi harus segera dibenahi," kata Kriswandhono. Perihal penggunaan kembali bangunan tersebut, menurutnya bisa dijadikan apa saja. "Adaptive use tentu perlu kreativitas. Creative arts penting dalam rangka me-re-fungsi bangunan ini. Ada wacana menjadikan ini kembali sebagai kantor PT KA, Daop 4 Semarang, tempat pertemuan (convention), pertokoan yang unik, bisa banyak," paparnya.

Yang unik, Lawang Sewu, yang baru saja ditutup untuk umum, kini sudah dibuka kembali. Nantinya proses pemugaran akan didokumentasikan dan proses itu kemudian dipamerkan bagi warga dalam rangka meningkatkan kepedulian warga terhadap pentingnya bangunan bersejarah bagi kota itu sendiri.

Jika citra Lawang Sewu sudah terlanjur sebagai bangunan tua berhantu, itu tentu tak lepas dari kesalahan kita semua sebagai warga. Tentu kesalahan utama ada pada dinas atau departemen yang mengurus pendidikan, termasuk di dalamnya yang bertanggung jawab pada urusan kebudayaan. Budaya eksploitasi demit demi urusan kantong memang membuat segelintir manusia tamak kemudian tergiur untuk memungut keuntungan dari sana.

Reality show bahkan film layar lebar ramai-ramai mengusung tema hantu dan menggunakan bangunan kuno sebagai pihak yang teraniaya. Atau demi pencapaian setting tertentu kru film kemudian mendandani bangunan seenak udelnya. Dengan demikian, media tersebut menjadi penyumbang terbesar pada kebodohan warga.

Sekaranglah saatnya, semua pihak, termasuk PT KA sendiri, mulai memberi arti pada Lawang Sewu. Menyebarkan segala informasi tentang kemegahan bangunan beserta sejarah yang melekat pada dinding dan atapnya. Membangun kepedulian dan kepekaan warga Semarang—bahkan warga di luar Semarang—tentang pentingnya bangunan itu dalam sejarah bangsa ini.

Eksibisi atau pameran foto lama gedung ini beserta narasinya, pergelaran budaya, lokakarya untuk para penyebar berita, studi lapangan bagi murid SD hingga SMA tentang sejarah – bukan mengajarkan kebencian pada bekas penjajah, melainkan menularkan rasa syukur bahwa sekelam apa pun sejarah bangsa ini, tetap ada sisi positifnya, yaitu kekayaan pusaka yang ditinggalkan bangsa Belanda. Ini semua bisa jadi menghidupkan kesadaran pada warga terhadap pentingnya gedung yang baru dalam tahap menuju pemugaran ini.

Fungsi kontrol terhadap pencurian beberapa bagian gedung, seperti kayu jati, diharapkan bisa diminimalkan jika kesadaran warga untuk menjaga pusaka bersama ini tumbuh. Ada banyak cara menumbuhkan kesadaran pusaka (heritage), apalagi komunitas pencinta pusaka sudah bermekaran dan menularkan virus cinta pusaka.

Kini tergantung PT KA dan pemerintah terkait. Akankah citra bangunan bersejarah— khususnya Lawang Sewu—menjadi sekadar bangunan tua tempat berkumpulnya demit dibiarkan?
WARTA KOTA Pradaningrum Mijarto

Arak Batavia Beken di Dunia

BEBERAPA bulan lalu, di salah satu milis komunitas terkirim sebuah surat elektronik yang menanyakan tentang Batavia Arrack, arak Batavia, yang pada masanya begitu beken hingga di tanah Swedia. Sejarah minuman beralkohol tak lepas dari sejarah Batavia dan Tionghoa. Dalam beberapa buku sejarah Indonesia disebutkan, arak bikinan orang Tionghoa di Batavia memang punya cita rasa yang bikin orang-orang Eropa mabuk kepayang.

Dalam sebuah tulisan, "Peran Etnis Cina dalam Pengembangan Iptek" tertulis bahwa sudah sejak abad 17 warga Tionghoa di Batavia mengembangkan berbagai budidaya seperti tebu dan padi. Dari dua komoditi itu dibuatlah arak yang terdiri dari beras yang difermentasi, tetes tebu dan nira. Mereka telah mengembangkan penyulingan arak sejak awal abad 17.

Beberapa situs juga mengakui bahwa Batavia Arrack merupakan minuman beralkohol dari Hinda Belanda yang sudah melanglang buana. Beraroma sitrus dan cokelat yang lekat. Minuman ini diproduksi sejak akhir abad 17 hingga abad 19 dan merupakan minuman yang digemari di Eropa, khususnya Swedia. Minuman ini juga biasa disebut sebagai Batavia Arrack van Oosten.

Pada Mei tahun lalu The New York Times edisi Minggu memuat artikel berjudul "Out of the Blue: Batavia Arrack Comes Back". Paul Clarke si penulis menuliskan, Batavia Arrack bikinan awal abad 17 di sebuah pulau di Jawa terbuat dari air tebu dan fermentasi beras merah. Punya cita rasa berbeda, seperti rum Haiti dan Scotch.

Dalam buku "Nusantara: Sejarah Indonesia", Bernard HM Vlekke menyebutkan, hingga tahun 1775 masih ada perintah dari Pemerintah Tinggi melarang pemaksaan terhadap serdadu garnisun agar mandi sekali seminggu. Para istri orang Belanda yang hampir semuanya lahir di Indonesia tidak setakut itu pada air dibandingkan suami mereka yang datang dari Belanda yang basah dan berhujan.

Banyak rumah yang dibangun di sepanjang kanal punya kamar mandi kecil di atas air kanal dan dari sana nyonya-nyonya itu tanpa malu-malu terjun berendam di dalam bak mandi untuk masyarakat umum. Oleh Baron Van Imhoff, Gubernur Jenderal VOC, hal itu sebetulnya dilarang karena kanal itu dipakai sebagai got jadi memang jorok. Tapi tuan-tuan Belanda punya cara lain untuk melindungi kesehatan. Hari mereka dimulai dengan minum segelas gin dengan perut kosong.

"Bangsa kita harus minum atau mati," tulis Coen pada 1619. Tidaklah heran bahwa penyulingan arak disebut industri utama di Batavia. Arak Batavia menjadi terkenal di seluruh Asia. "Orang-orang kita saling merangkul dan memberkati diri sendiri karena mereka berhasil tiba di tempat yang begitu luar biasa racikan punch-nya," tulis Kapten Britania, Woodes Rogers, dalam catatan hariannya di awal abad 18.

Sementara itu, Kapten James Cook terpesona dengan keampuhan arak Batavia yang membuat seorang awaknya tak pernah jatuh sakit. Padahal usia awak kapal tadi sudah di atas 70 tahun dan kerjanya hanya mabuk arak Batavia.

Naskah sejarah lain menyatakan, dua jenis industri yang pernah berkembang menjadi besar di Batavia adalah industri gula dan pembuatan arak. Penyulingan arak terutama dilakukan di dalam tembok kota, seperti di Kali Besar. Di kawasan itu pabrik penyulingan bertahan cukup lama.

Kisah perjalanan arak Batavia hingga ke Swedia bisa jadi dimulai ketika Kapal Gotheborg mampir ke Batavia pada 1743. Awak kapal harus memenuhi kebutuhan kapal dan awaknya seperti arak, kayu bakar, kebutuhan untuk mengisi perut, serta mesiu cadangan untuk keamanan. Sebagai warga dari negeri super dingin di kawasan Skandinavia, maka tak aneh jika arak menjadi menu utama awak kapal. Rupanya mereka menyukai cita rasa arak bikinan Batavia – Batavi Arrack van Oosten yang mengandung alkohol 50%.

Kasijanto Sastrodinomo, pengajar pada Departemen Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia, pernah menulis, di awal abad 20 pemerintah kolonial pernah mengeluarkan buku karangan J Kats berjudul Het alcoholkwaad. Kats mengutip hasil penelitian tentang dampak negatif penggunaan alkohol di beberapa negara di Eropa. Ditunjukkan antara lain adanya hubungan antara kebiasaan meminum alkohol dan merosotnya daya tahan tubuh penggunanya sehingga mudah menimbulkan sakit.

Sebelum buku itu muncul, pemerintah sudah membentuk Komisi Pemberantasan Alkohol (Alcoholbes- trijdings-commissie) yang ditugasi untuk menyelidiki dan memerangi penggunaan dan penyalahgunaan alkohol di kalangan masyarakat Hindia Belanda. Komisi menemukan, konsumsi minuman keras telah meluas di kalangan masyarakat. Di Batavia, misalnya, pembuatan, penjualan, dan penggunaan minuman jenis itu sudah sampai pada taraf mengkhawatirkan. Kawasan Senen disebut-sebut sebagai tempat jual-beli minuman beralkohol secara gelap.

Minuman keras tradisional yang populer di kalangan masyarakat pribumi dikenal sebagai arak, badèg, ciu, yang menurut polisi digolongkan sebagai gelap alias tidak berizin.
Kenyataannya hingga kini minuman beralkohol tak berizin masih merajalela hingga ke dusun-dusun di Indonesia. Biasa disebut oplosan, campuran berbagai minuman beralkohol, berenergi, dll.

WARTA KOTA Pradaningrum Mijarto

Little Holland Vs Little Amsterdam

MELUNCUR di kawasan Kota Lama Semarang ada magnet lain yang akan menarik kita ke abad silam. Magnet itu begitu kuat manakala bangunan tua membentang ke manapun mata mengarah. Bangunan yang tersebar itu tampak relatif masih terawat, masih berbentuk bangunan, meskipun ada di antara bangunan itu yang bentuknya sudah setengah roboh. Tapi secara keseluruhan, kawasan lama berjuluk Little Holland ini jauh lebih menarik daripada kawasan yang berlabel Little Amsterdam - Kota Tua Jakarta.

Perwujudan seni dalam bentuk arsitektur bangunan mewarnai kawasan bekas kota bandar internasional yang terletak di pinggir pantai dengan muara Kali Garang yang bisa dilayari. Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam buku Jalan Raya Pos, Jalan Daendels menggambarkan bahwa Semarang sejak dulu adalah daerah genangan Kali Garang.

Pram menulis, setelah jatuh ke tangan VOC pada 15 Januari 1678 maka mulai 1743 Semarang menjadi tempat kedudukan Gubernur Pantai Utara-Timur Jawa. Semasa kekuasaan Daendels Semarang menjadi kedudukan kepala Landrostambt dan semasa Raffles menjadi kedudukan Residen.

Arsitektur bangunan di kawasan Kota Lama Semarang beragam. Ada Gereja Blenduk (Nederlandsch Indische Kerk) bikinan 1750 dengan atap kubah yang dipugar pada 1894. Di hadapan gereja ini berdiri gedung karya Thomas Karsten di tahun 1916 yang kini menjadi gedung Asuransi Jiwasraya. Jalanan di kawasan ini kini ber-paving karena terlalu sering diterjang banjir. Tak lupa bangunan Stasiun Tawang yang mencoba tetep bertahan dari terjangan rob. Belum lagi Pasar Semawis yang menghidupkan Pecinan tak jauh dari Kota Lama.

Meski bagi warga Semarang, kawasan Kota Lama menjadi kawasan buangan yang kurang perhatian dari pemerintah setempat, namun bagi warga lain, seperti Jakarta, pastinya kawasan ini jauh lebih hidup. Barangkali, dipadankan dengan Kota Tua Jakarta, kawasan Kota Lama Semarang punya bangunan hidup yang relatif lebih banyak, pun lebih banyak bangunan utuh lantas dipadu jalanan ber-paving tadi. Apalagi ketika melihat atap si Blenduk menyembul di antara bangunan tua lain, bernaung di bawah langit sore. Sempurna cantiknya.

Memang, jika dilihat seksama, kawasan ini belum tertata baik, semisal, begitu semrawutnya lalulintas kabel yang menghalangi pemandangan pada gedung-gedung tua di seluruh kawasan. Jadi mereka yang akan mengambil gambar harus berputar-putar mencari cara agar jalinan kabel yang berseliweran di atas tak menghalangi panorama yang akan diambil.

Keberadaan Semarang diawali tahun 1476 dengan kedatangan utusan Kerajaan Demak (Ki Pandan Arang) untuk mengislamkan semenanjung Pulau Tirang (kini daerah Murgas dan Bergota, Semarang). Kawasan yang subur ini, konon, pohon asem masih jarang (dalam bahasa Jawa menjadi arang) sehingga nama asem arang itu berubah menjadi Samarang kemudian Semarang. Dalam buku Kota Lama Kota Baru: Sejarah Kota-kota di Indonesia, ada satu makalah berjudul Pemukiman Rakyat di Semarang Abad XX: Ada Kampung Ramah Anak, Radjimo Sastro Wijono menulis sejarah Semarang.

Radjimo juga menuliskan tentang orang China pertama yang ada di kawasan Pulau Tirang yaitu Sam Po Tay Djin yang sudah ada sebelum Ki Pandan Arang tiba di sana. Sam Po Khong, klenteng, menjadi tengara keberadaan Sam Po tay Djin. Sejak abad 18 Semarang mengalami tiga kali perubahan batas kota dan di abad 19 kota ini disebut sebagai Kota Batavia kedua.

Di abad 19, pusat strategis kota dihuni oleh kelompok ras Eropa. Disebutkan oleh Radjimo, ras tersebut menghuni Zeestraat (kini Jalan Kebon Laut): Poncol, Pendrikan, kawasan Kota Lama (sebelah timur Jembatan Berok). Sampai-sampai Domine Baron van Hoevell, seorang pendeta yang berkunjung ke Semarang tahun 1847 menyatakan, permukiman orang Eropa di timur Jembatan Berok itu seperti kota kecil di Eropa.

Kota Lama semula ada di dalam benteng yang konon dibangun 1705 dan dihancurkan pada 1824. Kota Lama terus berkembang hingga setelah 1945 Belanda angkat kaki. Kota Lama yang pernah jadi pusat politik dan ekonomi ini makin hari makin merana, ditinggalkan.

Sementara itu Jakarta dimulai pada 1527 yaitu ketika Fatahillah berhasil mengenyahkan Pajajaran dan Portugis dan mengganti nama Sunda Kelapa menjadi Jayakarta. Di tahun 1619 VOC yang dipimpin oleh JP Coen menaklukkan Jayakarta dan membakar kota itu untuk kemudian mendirikan Batavia. Kota ini terus berkembang ke arah selatan hingga awal abad 20 di mana Kalibesar menjadi etalase bangunan dan jadi pusat perekonomian. Kawasan seluas 846 hektar itu kemudian juga ditinggalkan karena pusat ekonomi dan politik makin berkembang ke arah lebih selatan lagi ke arah pusat.

Jika revitalisasi kawasan Kota Lama Semarang sudah dimulai tahun 2003, maka revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta baru menyusul tiga tahun kemudian. Yang jadi soal barangkali luas wilayah. Jika di Jakarta mencapai lahan 846 hektar maka di Semarang sekitar 30 hektar. Jakarta sudah memoles Jalan Pintu Besar Utara dan lantai Taman Fatahillah. Kini penggantian jalan aspal menjadi batu andesit juga sedang dikerjakan di Jalan Poskota hingga ke Jalan Lada.

Kondisi tanah, tampaknya tak jauh berbeda. Muka tanah di kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta makin turun karena kondisi air tanah Jakarta yang makin susut serta kondisi lingkungan yang memang buruk. Kota Lama makin porak poranda karena menjadi langganan banjir rob.

Jika memandang Kota Lama Semarang lebih baik dari Kota Tua Jakarta, bisa jadi karena memang jumlah bangunan tua tak sebanyak di Jakarta, selain itu dari sedikit bangunan kini beberapa pengusaha bertahan dan sudah masuk ke kawasan itu.

Yang pasti, tanpa kemauan yang sungguh kuat dari pemerintah dan dukungan stakeholder, rasanya revitalisasi akan berjalan bak siput merayap.

WARTA KOTA Pradaningrum Mijarto

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ke Bengkulu Ayo Berburu

Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Provinsi Bengkulu mempromosikan wisata berburu pada wisawatan baik lokal, domestik maupun mancanegara.

"Pada setiap kesempatan kita selalu mengundang wisatawan untuk datang ke Bengkulu guna menikmati berbagai obyek wisata yang ada, termasuk wisata berburu," kata Kepala Disbudpar Provinsi Bengkulu, Edi Nevian di Bengkulu, Rabu.

Di Provinsi Bengkulu, banyak hutan yang masih perawan dan cocok untuk lokasi berburu, di antaranya Taman Buru (TB) Semidang Bukit Kabu di Kabupaten Seluma, berjarak 20 km dari Bandara Fatmawati, Kota Bengkulu.

"Bagi wisatawan yang ingin menikmati keindahan alam sekaligus menyalurkan hobi berburu babi, bisa datang ke Taman Buru (TB) Semindang Bukit Kabu," katanya.

Selama ini TB Semindang Bukit Kabu sering dijadikan lokasi berburu babi oleh anggota Perbakin dari berbagai daerah, seperti DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Sambil berburu mereka bisa menikmati keindahan alam yang memang masih sejuk.

Kawasan Semidang Bukit Kabu merupakan Taman Buru Nasional yang mempunyai luas sekitar 15.300 hektar yang ditetapkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian.

Di kawasan itu masih banyak terdapat satwa langka yang dilindungi, seperti harimau sumatera, rusa, menjangan, dan berbagai jenis hewan langka lainnya. Hewan-hewan itu tidak boleh diburu karena dilindungi.

Di hutan konservasi tersebut juga masih banyak babi hutan, hewan inilah yang diizinkan untuk diburu. Kawasan ini merupakan "surga" bagi pemburu untuk berburu babi, dan merupakan satu-satunya jenis hewan yang diizinkan untuk diburu dengan menggunakan senjata api atau berburu tradisional.

"Bagi mereka yang ingin berburu menggunakan senjata api dibolehkan, tapi harus ada izin terlebih dahulu dan berkoordinasi dengan pengurus provinsi Perbakin Bengkulu," katanya.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obyek Wisata Selat Pantar di Alor Belum Dijamah

Kupang, NTT Online - Obyek wisata Selat Pantar di wilayah perairan Kabupaten Alor, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) yang kaya habitat laut, jenis karang dan ikan belum dijamah.

Bupati Alor, Ans Takalapeta dalam percakapan dengan Antara di Kupang, Rabu mengatakan, pemerintah Kabupaten Alor sudah mulai melirik kawasan itu untuk ditata dan dijadikan sebagai obyek wisata bahari.

"Saya sudah mengeluarkan regulasi berupa Surat Keputusan (SK) Bupati tentang penetapan Selat Pantar dan sekitarnya sebagai Taman Laut," katanya.

Kebijakan itu, kata dia, langsung mendapatkan respon dari Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan RI dan melalui Direktorat Kelautan, Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil melakukan survei lapangan untuk menilai calon kawasan konservasi laut daerah Kabupaten Alor.

Dari hasil survei, kata Takalapeta, telah ditetapkan tujuh zona, baik pemanfaatannya dan zona perlindungan yang masuk konservasi laut.

Saat ini, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan sedang menyusun rencana tata ruang dalam rangka penataan kawasan konservasi laut di Selat Pantar.

Dia menambahkan, pemerintah Kabupaten Alor juga telah menetapkan sistem pengelolaan yang meliputi kelembagaan, sumber daya manusia, pembiayaan, peraturan daerah, monitoring, evaluasi dan pelaporan.

Langkah ini untuk untuk mengoptimalkan pengelolaan kawasan di sekitar Selat Pantar, katanya.

Dalam hubungan dengan pengelolaan, dia mengatakan, pengelolaan ekosistem lebih dititikberatkan pada pengelolaan integritas ekologi dari suatu ekosistem secara keseluruhan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek pemanfaatannya.

Sistem ini sekaligus akan menjaga dan mempertahankan kawasan itu menjadi kawasan yang tetap mendapatkan perlindungan, kata Bupati Ans Takalapeta. antara

Putri Duyung Cottage

Putri Duyung Cottage is a family health in the cottage and is located in the coastal area of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. There are currently 128 to 133 cottage with many amenities that are in the area of 70,000 square meters this. Usually-cottage This cottage is named in accordance with the names of sea animals such as Kerang, Sea Horses, Kerapu, tuna, Duyung, Pope and Marlin.

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol


As a tourist area, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol was already established since 17th century. That time, Governor General of Dutch East Indies, Adriaan Valckenier, home health has a very beautiful by the beach. Over time, the area was later developed into tourist attractions.

Unfortunately, when World War II burst followed a war of independence, Ancol forgotten. Ciliwung River is freely shed water and lumpurnya to change the region so that there is a dirty, dirty, and muddy. Regions that beautiful, like a hideous turn into 'the genie dispose children'.

Then, there was a suggestion that the area was one of the industry enabled. However, the proposal was rejected point-blank by President Soekarno. Instead, Bung Karno want to build the area as a regional tour. Through Presidential Decree at the end of December 1965, Bung Karno ordered the Governor of DKI Jaya that time, dr. Soemarno, as implementers of development projects Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. This new development projects done under the command of Ali Sadikin that when it became the Governor of Jakarta. Development conducted by PD Ancol Pembangunan Jaya under Ir. Ciputra.


Uniqueness Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park in the earlier establishment by the Theater dibangunnya Cars in 1970. Following recreational facilities built popularize the presence Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park, not only in the capital of the community, but also throughout the country.

Development projects continue to be until now. Cadger styled, the hotel was built, the golf course, and a variety of games are presented. This means that recreational and entertainment facilities in the Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park will be complete. In the following years, the recreational facilities and entertainment focused on the high entertainment facilities. It was started with dibangunnya area Dreamland Park "Fantasy" phase I in 1985.

Now, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol standing on the land area of 552 hectares, have become tourist attractions and recreational games, and it the largest in Indonesia.

Cost Log In

Enter through the main gate Rp. 12.000 / person, 12.000/mobil Rp, Rp. 10.000/motor (update September 2008)

Tourism object in Ancol

* Fantasy
* Gelanggang Ocean
* Atlantis Water Adventure - playing pool in Ancol. Many facilities such as game seluncur with a height of approximately 15-20m. In one part, there is a pool on a certain time to make big waves, so all people in the pool feels like there is in the sea
* Art Market
* Transport Indonesia
* Marina
* Carnaval Beach
* Beach Festival
* Beach Park
* Hailai Mercure
* Padang Golf Ancol
* Gantung Jet Train
* Ice World
* Pulau Bidadari


* Putri Duyung Cottage
* Hotel Raddin
* Hotel Mercure
* Hotel Tour
* Ancol Mansion (opening soon)


Jakarta Metropolitan City

Jakarta Metropolitan City in the call, but actually also in Jakarta worth a City Museum. Many of the museum is here, especially in the area of Old Jakarta Kota. At this time in more than 30 museums with the kind of different. Museum-museum is managed by various parties, such as the Central Government, Local Governments, government agencies / private sector, and groups / individuals.

Pemda DKI Jakarta through the Office of Museum and restoration (DMP) is relatively much manage the museum. Museum-museum under the control of DMP is Jakarta History Museum (Museum Fatahillah), Wayang Museum, Museum of Visual Arts, Ceramics Museum, Museum Bahari, Museum (Parks) Prasasti, Textile Museum, Museum (Building)'45 fighting, MH Museum Thamrin, Central Information and Culture and History of Jakarta.

Jakarta is a city that has a fairly complete history of the period, from the prehistoric period until today. Objects from the period that is presented before the various museums. Jakarta History Museum is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 2, West Jakarta. Areal extent of the museum more than 13,000 square meters. Ancient architecture building style 17th century. This building was named Stadhuis or Central City. Jakarta History Museum was established on 30 March 1974. Various objects that can be witnessed in this museum, among others, the history of Jakarta, results of archaeological excavation in Jakarta, antique furniture from the 18-th century, ceramic, gerabah, and the stone inscription. -Collection collection are located in different rooms, such as space prehistoric Jakarta, Tarumanegara Space, Space Fatahillah, Jayakarta Room, Room of Sultan Agung, and the space MH Thamrin.

There are also various collections of the Betawi culture, numismatik, and sloppy. Even now diperkaya with a statue of the god Hermes was located in the Harmony and perempatan The sturdy shell is seen that magical strength. Do not forget, the Jakarta History Museum, there is land under the former prison that was very frightening.

Around in
Not far from here, cross over to the left, there is the Museum Wayang. Located at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27, West Jakarta. Originally this building called De Oude Hollandsche Kerk. Use of the Museum Wayang inaugurated on 13 August 1975. Wayang Museum and exhibit various types of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of wood and leather and other materials. Puppet-puppet from abroad have also here, for example from China and Cambodia. Until the collection is now more than 4,000 units, consisting of leather puppet, puppet show, puppet cardboard, grass puppets, puppet leaf, mask, puppet and gamelan. Dolls generally come from Europe. Not far from the Jakarta History Museum, cross over to the right there is a Museum of Visual Arts and Ceramics Museum. Both museums are in this one building, the Visual Arts Center and Ceramics in Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 1, Jakarta Barat. Visual Arts Museum exhibit various works of painting from various streams, such as naturalism, abstract and surealisme. Indonesian painter who saved his work here, among others, Raden Saleh, Affandi, Sudjojono, and Basuki Abdullah.

Ceramics Museum displays collections of ceramics and ceramic foreigners, such as the digging arkeologis and donations and purchases from various parties. Highest number of Chinese ceramics, ceramics overtake Japan, Siam (Thailand), Annam (Vietnam), and Europe. Collection of local ceramics, among derived from Kasongan, Plered, Medan, Palembang, and Singkawang. In addition to traditional ceramics also held kemarik modern ceramics or creative work artists Indonesia.

Somewhat to the north there is the Museum Bahari. Located in Jalan Pasar Ikan No. 1, Jakarta Barat. This museum presents a collection of life-related kebaharian and kenelayanan of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Collections that consist of various types of traditional boats with various shapes, styles and decorative whim. Also presented a variety of model ships and modern equipment support activities voyage. On the other hand displayed a collection marine biota and various fishing equipment.

In Tanah Abang
There are also areas where the tomb inscription exhibit figures history of Indonesia. This place called the Museum (Parks) Prasasti. Museum located at Jalan Tanah Abang I, Jakarta Pusat save this inscription is also the nation-tomb inscription Netherlands. Leaders of Indonesia prasastinya who are here, among others, Miss Riboet (theatrical character) and Soe Hok Gie (student leaders). Meanwhile, leaders of the nation Dutch inscription is Dr. WF Stutterheim (archaeological expert), Dr. HF Roll (Stovia founder), and JHR Kohler (Aceh War leaders). Still in the area of Tanah Abang, the No Through Road. 4, Jakarta Pusat, we can pay a visit to the Textile Museum. Museum exhibit this pattern, decorative batik whim, and various textiles acquired from all corners of the archipelago. Traditional weaving tools khasanah participate enrich this collection of the museum. Many types of textile museum does not display this because I already too old.

There are in Menteng Museum (Building)'45 fighting. Museum located at Jalan Menteng Raya. 31, Jakarta Pusat, this exhibit photos documenting the history of the struggle over the nation 1945-1950. There are also a number of the struggle of painting, sculpture warrior figure and pennant. Collections other form of REP1 and REP2 car, the car agencies authorized President Soekarno and Vice President Moh. Hatta. Two other museums that are managed DMP MH Thamrin Museum and Information Center History and Culture Jakarta. MH Thamrin Museum is located at Jalan Kenari, Central Jakarta, this exhibit photos documenting the struggle of MH Thamrin in achieving independence. MH Thamrin own is the name of the combatants Jakarta who enshrined his name among others to the project of making the village street and road names protocol. The history of Central Information and Culture is located in the Jakarta Jalan Silang Monas Jakarta, Central Jakarta. The collection includes photographs and miniature objects of history, city planning and cultural development of Jakarta. Because by the government (local), the museum, this museum looks less bite. Lack of maintenance funds and energy management exquisite. Many museum collections and cared less tersaji with the slick. Dust, for example, terbalut in many collections. The lack of light is still found in many rooms. Information about the collection pickup often confuses visitors. City of Culture as the authorities must improve the quality of the museum. Thus, tour museums in Jakarta akan developed as inviting charm the tourists. Moreover, the museum is a window of knowledge as well as tourism and cultural education.
(Djulianto Susantio)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Four Regions of Tourism in the province NTT

KUPANG, kompass-Did you know the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which comprises 19 districts / cities have been divided into four tourism areas. Plt.Kepala Office of Tourism Arts and Culture NTT, Emanuel Kara, in Kupang, Wednesday (19/11) said that this is related to the need to request the Governor of NTT thought an area tour starting from the end of the island of Flores until Lembata Island and Timor, Sumba, Alor and Rote.

The first cluster consists of the island of Timor which include Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan (TTU), Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) and Belu, the area is bordered by the countries of East Timor.

Second cluster includes the Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Manggarai, Manggarai, East, and Ngada Nagekeo and the third cluster includes Ende, Sikka, East Flores and Lembata District. Cluster includes the four-to Kabupaten Sumba Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, East Sumba and East Sumba. "So the whole island of Sumba in the entrance area of a cluster or tourism," he said.

Determining the cluster is done with a variety of considerations including the icon. Cluster that includes two Manggarai region as a whole and Nagekeo Ngada including, for example, is iconnya Komodo National Park (TNK).

Cluster that includes three Ende, Sikka, East Flores and Lembata, with three-color icon Kelimuti Lake, in East Flores Friday Procession there and in the marine park have Sikka and Lembata fishing with the Pope's traditional.

"If the Sumba region to focus on cultural tourism, while in the mainland with the island of Timor in the tradition of the Boti, ekowisata also in the area pengunungan Mutis, Alor Garden with Sea and the Rote Nambrela," he said.

Thus defined area along with tourism-icon icon. This is to attract tourists to visit areas of the tour, he said.

With its open in the area is indeed open a tourism opportunities in the field of investment, such as hospitality and eating houses. When this government to stay focused supporting infrastructure development. That is, accessibility to and from tourism must be built, he said.

Source: Antara

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ant Nest

Semut nest is one of the plants that grow drugs in the land of Papua. Latinnya name of this plant is Myrmecodia sp. Recently, many ant nest to search for people based on a number of research experts, this nutritious plants, healing various diseases. On page 77, Nirmala Magazine, July 2006 edition, mentioned that the tradition Sarang Semut has been used by native people of Wamena to treat rheumatism and disease acid strand. Meanwhile, according to research by experts Biotechnology LIPI, the main substance of the Sarang Semut is a flavonoid, tannin and polifenol. Oxygen-oxygen is a strong antioksi and several times stronger than vitamin C and E, giving effect reduce the risk of some types of cancer and disease is evidenced kardiovaskuler.Bahkan plants also treat diarrhea and stop the bleeding. In addition Semut Sarang bias preventing the enzyme xanthine oxidase reduce acid nutritious grain and improve kidney function. There is still active substances that have not terungkap.Seorang herbalis, Hendro Saputro, has been researching Semut Sarang since 2001 (natura, June 2006). Hendro drug benefit has mencobakan Sarang Semut on himself to heal pain that has been the backbone dideritanya for many years. Hendro convincing empirical test that Sarang Semut useful for spinal pain, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis lungs, brain cancer, uterus cancer, prostat, speed recovery birth mother, reproduce asi, Papua dll. Masyarakat traditionally use the boil the meat tubers that have been dried up mendidih.Kemudian ago drink filtered water. According to Mrs. Septina Maniani, one of the seller Sarang Semut, he has been treated several times more people. "There is a sick gut, I boiled in water, and good results. There was also a sick heart, let me stew Sarang Semut, results were also satisfactory. It's affected by cancer or tumor, after I give compound Sarang Semut, the patient is not so treatment to Jakarta. According to the doctor, the patient should be operated. "Septina mother, who is also a professional teacher, find their own ant nest in the forest." Most people only drink water rebusannya only. But if you want to get a more satisfactory result then the stew is necessary, by the five types of other traditional ingredients. "Lima types of additional ingredients, the herb is a traditional raw material typical of Papua. To 1 kg dry ant nest is the price: Rp. 500000 Mixed type of additional five traditional herb has been provided with composition of different customized with disease, age, gender, health condition and the patient.

When you are in need Sarang Semut, please contact:

Mother Septina Maniani
No. HP.: 0852 5413 2224
Jl. Brawijaya, Rear Catholic junior, Manokwari,
Province of West Papua

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ikan Bakar Dabu Dabu Colo

Ikan Bakar Dabu Dabu Colo


* 1 tails (± 1kg) fish cakes / baronang (can be replaced by other fish such as kembung, Kerapu, etc.)

* 1 tsp salt

* 1 ½ tbsp lime juice

* 1 tsp water ginger

* 1 tbsp cooking oil


* 10 pieces cayenne red / green, thinly sliced

* 3 green tomatoes, cut dice

* 4 pieces of onion, slices, slices

* 1 tsp salt

* ½ tsp sugar

* 1 tbsp lime juice

* 20 sheets basil leaves, roughly sliced

* 1 ½ tbsp oil

How to Make:

* Prepare and heat grill first.

* Clean the fish, discard the gill and stomach contents. After that a few in the keratan on both sides of the fish to tulangnya. Lumuri with salt, lime juice and ginger water. put the fish in the refrigerator, diamkan for 15 minutes.

* Dabu-dabu: mixed all ingredients in bowl, store in refrigerator until served.

* Burn fish: fish with olesi ago tiriskan oil until the oil will not again. Place fish on top of the wires that already pemanggang be oiled oil, and roast until cooked one side. Turn the fish, one of request to the other side cooked. then in succession the back rooms (with japitan grasp) and the head. To be oiled occasionally fish Fish oil has been cooked getahnya if there is no more out.

Source: taste Nusantara

Swiss-Belhotel Papua

Jakarta - An international hotel four star located in the Bay edge Yos Sudarso in the center of the city of Jayapura, Sunday (11 / 3) inaugurated with a grand opening event in the Ball Room Cendrawasih marked with a key signature and inscription by the Governor of Papua, Barnabas Suebu SH accompanied President Swiss-Belhotel International, Guvin M Faull, Vice President and development operation Swiss-Belhotel International Indonesia Emanuel Guilard, President Director of PT Sony Waplau Modern Group, President Director of PT International Hotel Papua Ir Riki GM and Swiss-Belhotel Papua, Djarot Basuki.
Swiss-Belhotel is opposed to the port of Jayapura is a five-storey hotel with 96 rooms. Presents the beautiful panorama of the city surrounded by hills of Papua in the sunken Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Yos Sudarso. Suebu governor said in his speech was almost dream become a reality 19 years ago since he's become the Governor of Papua before Jayapura city to build a hotel with the international. Build the city of Jayapura became slums was a beautiful place.
He said, his side will not stop here to beautify the city of Jayapura by managing good and with a good infrastructure. "God has given a beautiful country. For the Government of Papua Province funds are set up special Rp 5-10 billion to build infrastructure to build Jayapura layang road and toll road and the city will build a new modern world. This is a dream, but not a castle in the air. This is the vision, but when have the vision and strength to realize that, then the dream will be realized, "he said.
Told by Swiss-Belhotel is part of the program short and long and the beauty of the city of Jayapura. Meanwhile, President of Swiss-Belhotel International, Guvin M Faull said the Swiss-Belhotel Papua is the first international hotel berstandar in Papua. The hotel has an international network to 25 hotels and resorts under management Group Swiss International Hote-manage the hotel and resort in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Middle East and Indonesia.
President of PT International Hotel Papua Ir Riki said total investment to build the Swiss-Hotel Papua Rp 70 billion. Employing 98 staff of which 43 percent of employees come from the son of native Papuans. (suhendarto)

Tourism on the island of birds Papua

Arfak mountain which is located in the 'head-Papua bird brain' is an area with a nature to reach 68,325 hectares in 2940 to reach a height of meters above sea level. Reserves are in the mountains Arfak Kabupaten Manokwari, West Papua Province. Stretching between the District Menyambouw Warmare, Ransiki, Anggi and Oransbari. This region is only about 35 km from the town of Manokwari. Required 2 days to walk up in that place. Currently, it is achieved using four kinds of wheeled vehicles off-road 4X4 or 'ranger' (a local community for this type of car) with a rate Rp. 80 thousand - Rp. 300 thousand per person. Can also use the aircraft type and the Twin Otter with cesna of the time, about 25 minutes with the tariff Rp. 300 thousand per person.

Reserve mountain Arfak still save a lot of mystery that has not been revealed until now, from the life of flora-fauna, including thousands of types of plants, orchids, fish legend Houn (not similar) in the two lakes that diapit by a "hilly paradise" called Kobrey hill. Two lakes are Lake and Lake Anggi Giji Gita Anggi that are in the height of 2000 meters above sea level. About the life of cave-cave, including the cave kedalamannya reach 2000 meters also save selaksa still a mystery.

According to information Yoris Wanggai, a tourist guide in Manokwari, are the many foreign researchers come to these places but does not bring results of research by a maximum due to the limited visiting time. Generally, the researchers have only 1-2 weeks in the mountains just Arfak, and that it is far from enough to know the mystery of mysteries-stored neatly in the mountains Arfak. "It's not enough time. If we here, have only briefly. We are not satisfied, "the statement quoted one of the tourists who gratitute Yoris when talking with EI when the tourism natural lake in the hills two Kobrey, August.

Arfak this mountain ecosystem is representing Papua land inhabited by some as a protected habitat, such as the life of different types of animals such as butterfly-wing-bird (ornithoptera-sp) who become prey butterfly collectors internationally. Swing by this type of ethnic community Arfak already ditangkarkan. One of the Iray village, near the lake Anggi Giji. This region is also inhabited by Cendrawasih Arfak (Astrapia-nigra). Many kinds of plants, among others, tree Arwob or dodonia fiscosa, typical mountain plants Arfak. There is also a timber Masohi a spicy taste like peppermint menthol, useful for penambah appetite to eat. And many rich flora-fauna that inhabit this region.

According to government data Manokwari district, mountain Arfak not have this type of less than 110 mammals, 333 birds, some of which are endemic species, mountain Arfak. One is a bird Namdur plain (Bowerd Bird). This bird, by the tribe Arfak Moley named bird Mbrecew, meaning smart or clever chatter, as can imitate voices and sounds whatever. Birds are also able to make a nest (bower) from the leaves, dry grass, and forest orchid stalk, which is made like a house and put it on the tree or in the soil.

Not surprisingly, if a number of experts who have come in this area examine the claim that history has recorded the mountains Arfak have important meaning for the development of science and education in the future and it is very feasible as genetic data library that can be processed for various types of herb and traditional medicine. Data etno-botanical reserve the mountain Arfak also rich in various types of plants that can be processed to be drug and stimulant drugs, but so far has not been used optimally.

One student researcher S2 Botany IPB Bogor, Hengky Wambraw, when had met with the author in the protected forest Manokwari Table Mountain, said keanekragaman biological life in the mountain area Arfak become incaran researchers biology, botany, geology, ecology, researchers do not terkecuai insects and birds both from foreign and local. They wanted to visit there. Hengky also had returned to the EI to be careful when touching the plants, the wild mountain region to visit "mysterious" because some of them contain the poison, there are drugs that can be made.

Temperatures around the lake is very cold. Moreover, in the hills Kobrey that can reach 6 degrees celsius. By the people in Sough tribe village Iray, farming in horticulture such as planting potatoes, carrots, spring onion, celery, various types of flowers such glad Anggi, Rhododenrum, is the right choice. They have not the pesticide. Plants mushrooming avoid substances-substances and toxic chemicals that harm. Unfortunately, their harvests still difficult to be marketed out of their area because of high transportation costs, does not cover costs such as home-go to the city or Ransiki Manokwari. They are still really hope if traders come from outside to buy their harvest.

The uniqueness of others can be found in the mountains is Arfak indigenous social life Mandacan which consists of several ethnic tribes such as Meyakh, Sough tribe, Hatam tribe with a variety of languages and traditions that are still maintained to this day. Of them, a man must walk behind the women, both his wife and son. We can also see the culture Arfak procession in connection with the ritual expression of gratitude disimbolkan with Magasa dance, dance like snakes. Usually, every harvest season, or the wedding guests, be this dance.

Arfak traditional houses called Igkojei, by the Sough tribe called Tumisen, famous for durable and robust, because a lot of pole made of wood bua type that is not easily broken even if only berdiameter 5-10 cm. Tumisen house is also often called thousand-foot house because a lot of tiangnya. Currently, the origin of a house or Igkojei has begun steps Tumisen especially from the roof of the original grass ilalang rat-rata already replaced the zinc.

Still many other unique and beautiful that we can get in the mountains Arfak. Indeed, the 2-3 days there is a very short time.

If you are a student or researcher, adventurer, professional or hobbies photography flora-fauna, or you are "modern tourist / special interest", coming soon in West Papua. Explore the mountains Arfak, browse terdalam cave in the world, around the two lakes and Anggi buktikan to the world-that you also participated in a role and "save" forests of Papua. (Fredy Tewu)

by Fredy Tewu

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hotel Kupang Beach

More than a Hotel

Kupang Beach Hotel has a prestigious facilities for guests
including nuances sports bar (sports bar) to go with, internet cafes,
restaurant, conference room, tour-prestigious tour, car and bus rental,
activities, water sports, and with a large room that is able to accommodate 1200 people
for wedding receptions or other special events.


The hotel has 26 rooms vary from standard rooms two beds (twin),
superior and deluxe rooms. Each room has its own terrace
Kupang with spectacular bay and surrounding islands.

Sports Bar

Sports bar or sports bar is the place nuances right
to enjoy a cold beer at the end of a tiring day. There are bars in the sport,
satellite television that allows you to enjoy the sporting events
such as soccer and Australian rugby, soccer and Europe.

Water Sports Activities

Kupang Beach Hotel offers three boats for fishing,
relaxing swim, tour to the islands around, and even sports suit
with a P.A.D.I. Divemaster and instructor origin Australia, Donovan Whitford.

Public Internet Qoe-Beach Punk

Want to check e-mail or the information network in the web world? At this place,
with a high speed connection. Browsing, surfing, chatting, photocopying,
photo editing & printing, video transfer & editing and writing type.


Menu of available food is the type of food taste rich, professionally presented.
Enjoy your meal in a room full AC, or fresh air directly from the sea.
Varied food including fresh seafood, Chinese cuisine and the typical European food and served 24 hours.

Conference room / Meetings

A room berAC sufficient for meeting the various events
conference or meeting with a professional touch. With a capacity of 200 seats,
food can be provided and the wide parking lot is very easy for you.

Tour & Travel

Plan trips with Kupang Beach Hotel will take you
to the interesting objects on the island of Timor as Babau, Baumata,
Tablolong, Bismarak, Lasiana, Tarus, and Baun. Flight,
Ferri, or even a bus ticket booking can be in so you can spend
leisure time with fun.

Car and bus hire

Cars and buses available for hire to serve you. We recommend
always use a driver-driver to take us to your destination.

Area Serba Guna

Parties, meetings (formal or not) and is suitable for weddings,
multipurpose area in Kupang Beach Hotel is big enough to accommodate more than 1200 guests
with a safe environment even in the rainy days.

~ ** ~

Kupang Beach Hotel
Jl. Heroes Kupang, N.T.T.

Phone: (62-380) 829019 / (62-380) 829097
Hp: +6281-339-277-335

Sate Tambulinas (Sulawesi Tenggara)

* 500 gr has meat, cut 2 x 2 cm
* 4 tbsp cooking oil
* 1 tbsp lime juice
* 15 pcs skewer

* 10 pcs of red onion
* 3 cloves garlic
* 6 pcs red chilli
* 6 pcs chili sauce
* 2 cm ginger
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 tsp sugar

How to Make:
* Mix ingredients smooth, oil, lime juice, and meat, poke average.
* Tusukkan one by one to skewer meat, as much as 3-4 pieces of meat.
* Burn on the coals of fire, while occasionally olesi with flavor. Roasted until cooked.
For 6 people
Source: Nova

Sambal Ikan Teri Asin (Nusa Tenggara Timur)

Sambal Ikan Teri Asin (Nusa Tenggara Timur)


* 5 pieces chili sauce, slices of rough -
* 3 pieces of raw lime-green, small slices of dice
* 3 cloves red onion, finely sliced
* 3 sprig basil, leaves take
* 2 tomatoes mengkal, slices, dice
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 tbsp rice teri, rendam hot water, tiriskan

How to Make:

* Mix all ingredients, poke to the average.
* Diamkan ± 1 / 2 hours to sew teri flavor
* Hidangkan

Know Ketupat Bandung

Know Ketupat Bandung

- 10 pieces Ketupat @ 100gr
- 10 ptg (500gr) in yellow, fried
- 3 boiled eggs, sliced round
- 250 gr boiled toge long pause
- 2 tbsp fried onion
- 100 gr red crackers

Peanut flavor:
- 250gr peanuts, fried
- 100gr brown sugar
- 1 small sliced kencur, fried
- 1 tbsp garlic goring
- 100 ml acid water
- 300ml milk
- 5 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- Salt secukupnya
- Water lime according to taste

Sambal sauce:
20 fruit chili sauce, mashed mixed with salt.

How it:
Peanut flavor:
Subtle, huh peanut, brown sugar, garlic and kencur fry using the blender.
Mixed dough peanut which has been mashed with the blender with coconut milk and tamarind water, slosh to the average, then cooked in a pot to boil, add sweet soy sauce, salt and lime water, the average poke, lift, sisihkan.
Take the food dish, place Ketupat, know, and toge egg, and peanut flavor siram with, give over fried onion topping crackers and red.
Kan Hidang with cayenne pepper.

Pepes Tahu Pedas

Pepes Tahu Pedas

Bahan :
100 gr Tahu
1 sdm Irisan daun bawang
10 lbr Daun kemangi
10 gr Daging giling
Daun pisang secukupnya

Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
1 siung Bawang putih
2 buah Cabe merah
1 sdm Bawang goreng
Sedikit garam dan gula pasir

Cara Membuat :
Tahu dihaluskan, campur dengan bumbu yang dihaluskan.
Tambahkan daun bawang dan daging giling, aduk hingga rata.
Masukkan daun kemangi, bungkus dengan daun pisang seperti lontong.
Kukus hingga matang, angkat dan sajikan untuk 1 porsi.

Chicken Bumbu Bali

Monday, March 9, 2009


Kintamani, the district is located in Bangli, is one of the favorite choice of tourists travel both domestic and abroad.

Generally, in almost all travel agent or tour operator in Bali, Kintamani entry in the itinerary (travel route) after visiting Batu Bulan (Tari Barong), tour the area or Ubud Sukawati as shopping centers.

Kintamani offers the atmosphere of the hills with fresh air temperature around 18 degrees centigrade, the air is similar as in Bedugul. Main attraction of the area is scenic Mount Kintamani and Lake Batur. Mount Batur is a mountain that is still active and are the second highest after Mount Agung at Besakih. The atmosphere is best when enjoy lunch while enjoying the beautiful lakes and mountains that give off smoke friendly.

Interested to know more Kintamani? -I also had time to yourself to visit the village Trunyan which is located near the lake. But you must menyebrang up to the boat to travel there with about 20 minutes. That is interesting and unique ways of the local cemetery which is different from the prevalence in Bali. Disandarkan corpses buried in the tree without. But a unique autopsy no smell because ternetralkan by the fragrance of wood called Menyan.

Unique is not it? If interested, why not include alternative Kintamani attractions in your vacation? Congratulations on holiday in Bali.

Maninjau lake in West Sumatra

Maninjau lake in West Sumatra is one of the most stunning lake in Indonesia. Vulkanik lake is located approximately 461 meters above sea level. With the size of approximately 100 square meters with a maximum depth of 500 meters, the lake has a legend associated. Based on the legends in the Minang ranah "Bujang Sembilan", one of them died on the way to dive in the crater. This crater and then up in the lake terbentuklah here.

Maninjau lake has a five-star resort is located on the top of the hill. With the fun and calm the heart, stay in the area Maninjau experience that will be impressive.

Maninjau village located on the side of the lake. Buya HAMKA, one of the famous writer in Indonesia, was born here. HAMKA write a book titled sinking ship Van Der Wijk is a fenomenal. Other famous figures who were born here is Rangkayo Rasuna Said, one of the Indonesian national hero. Name this woman enshrined as one of the protocol roads in Jakarta.
Maninjau Lake. Source from

How to Achieve this Region
Located 35 kilometers from the town of Bukittinggi, you can rent a car to reach the area of Lake Maninjau. Public transport also available.

Place Stay
Many of the hotel or lodging in the area of Bukittinggi. You can also stay in the resort of Lake Maninjau.

By using car or public transport, you can enjoy the spectacular scenery.

Dining place
You can satisfy hunger and thirst in the restaurants nearby, or can be also in the area or hotel accommodation. West Sumatra famous food spicy, so it's clever-clever choose.

Hand Fruit
Songkets, or products made from various songkets typical of West Sumatra (in the form of sandals, shoes, bags, place a coin, and so on), also unique trinkets other available. You can also purchase by by-typical form of dry food of West Sumatra, such as cassava chips, spicy.

Lake Of Maninjau. Source from
Can You See Or Do
In addition to the rave scene, you can berekreasi on the lake, despite limited facilities. Unfortunately, because in this region, minimal clothing / pool that is considered less stringent politely, if you want to swim can not do in the Lake Maninjau. You can swim in the resort or hotel that provides a variety of swimming pool facilities. Maninjau in the resort you can also visit the fitness center and jogging track are available.

Respect the local people. Berpakaianlah is casual but modest. To fully enjoy the Lake Maninjau, menginaplah resort in Lake Maninjau.



Pigs guling addition, Lawar is also a Balinese food is a favorite. Lawar made of a mixture of meat (pork or chicken), young jackfruit, papaya flavor complete with a young Bali. Lawar usually as a side dish pauk food in to-day and disantap after conducting the ceremony with the traditional buffet.

Balinese Lawar in general made for religious ceremonies with a mixture of fresh blood Pigs. But now Lawar has also become the favorite of many people liked. Various processing is also made without the blood again. Generally used as a mixture of these materials leaves star fruit, jackfruit, klungah (young coconut), which offers a taste that is different. Sharpness of the terasapun, has now adjusted to the "tongue" of the lover Balinese cuisine in general.

Interested to try the food this one? Do not worry, because generally all the restaurants with Balinese menu always presents a menu of this. This restaurant can be found easily in the area of Kuta, Legian and Denpasar.


an up-starts in 1971 and inaugurated in 1975, is the only place miniature Indonesia.

located in East Jakarta near the Toll road Jakarta - Bogor. Scope with a TV station TPI.

For further information

Please visit:

Ticket prices affordable, and have lots of places to visit.

suitable for family events, schools, and office.

As a place to learn about the cultures of the Indoneisa.

Ticket Price
Average (on the 3th) Rp 9.000
Cars Rp 10.000
Motor Rp 6.000
Bus / Truck Rp 15.000
Bicycles Rp 1.000

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Situated at the crossroads of strategic sea-lanes steeped in history, the province of South Sulawesi consists of the narrow southwestern peninsula of this mountainous, orchid-shaped island. The capital and chief trading port, Makassar, is still the gateway to eastern Indonesia.

Spanish and Portuguese galleons, followed by British and Dutch traders, sailed these seas In search of the spice trade, escorted by their Men-of-War to protect them from the daring raids of the Bugis and Makassar pirates. Famed for their seafaring culture, the Bugis are still the driving force behind the world's last commercial sailing fleet. Bugis vessels have sailed as far as Australia, leaving behind images of their ships carved in stone, and Bugis words which were integrated into the Aboriginal language of northern Australia.

The seafaring Bugis dominate the southern tip of Sulawesi, but in the rugged and remarkable country further north is Tana Toraja, often referred to as the "Land of the Heavenly Kings". The traditional culture of the Torajans rivals any in the archipelago, making this area one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia.

Believing that their forefathers descended from heaven in a boat some twenty generations ago, the Torajans have a unique Christian animist culture .the majority of the people still follow an ancestral cult called "Aluk Todolo", which governs all traditional ceremonies. Their ancestor worship includes elaborate death and after life ceremonies, which are essentially great feasts. A strict social hierarchy is followed in the villages, and for an important figure wedding and burial ceremonies can take days to perform. Water buffalo and pigs are sacrificed in numbers appropriate to social rank, and the deceased's remains are placed in a coffin and interred in caves hollowed out in high cliffs. The mouth of the cave is guarded by lifelike statues, called Tau Tau, who look out from a balcony near the burial caves, watching over the families and friends they have left behind.

Tongkonan, the family houses, are built on stilts with the roof rearing up at either end, representing the prows of the first ship to arrive in the area with the Torajan ancestors. The houses all face north and some say that this is because it was from the north that the ancestors of the Toraja came. Others however will say that the north (and east) is regarded as the realm of the gods, on the compass of life.

South Sulawesi is also famous for its tremendous scenery and the quality and talent of its silk and silverwork industries, but the economy is largely based on agriculture.

The provincial capital of Makassar, formerly Ujung Pandang, is easily accessible by air. There are daily flights from Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya and Manado.

Bunaken Island

Situated on the quiet eastern part of Bunaken Island, is the small and intimate Cha Cha Nature Resort, which accommodates a maximum of 18 guests. The standard and deluxe cottages are constructed of local timber in traditional style, with private bathroom and verandah, mosquito net and ceiling fan - no need for air conditioning on this breezy part of the island. The large balcony of the dining area overlooks a private beach, bordered with a charming garden.

Remote unspoiled, Bunaken Cha Cha Nature Resort with its stunningly romantic settings make an excellent choice for couples or groups of friends with a reasonable level of diving experience.

* 10 cottages
* All cottages have hot showers
* Security boxes available (ask)
* Snorkeling Pontoon: floating pontoon on Cha Cha reef for snorkelers so that they can relax in between snorkeling without having to come back to the resort - weather dependant
* Guided walking tours, meeting the locals, visiting the villages and places of interest
* Extended drink menu, to include wines and cocktails
* Souvenir shop, selling locally produced items

Hotel Sibayak Internasional


Hotel Sibayak Internasional (HIS) is a 4-star resort situated in the highlands of Berastagi, 60 kilometers or one-and-a-half-hour by car from Medan, the provincial capital city of North Sumatera. We are on a 3.6-hectare land right on the foothills of Gundaling. Temperature ranges from a cool 18 to a sunny 26 degrees Celsius year-round.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kuliner Bandung

AA Laksana
Gudeg Banda
Pondok Nelayan
Jl. Cihampelas No. 30 Jl. Jend.A.Yani No. 221-223 Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 157
+62 22 4265638 +62 22 7276844 +62 22 6075303
Acap 88 Gudeg Lombok Pondok Pasanggrahan
Jl. Astana Anyar No. 11 Jl. Lombok No. 1 Jl. Karapitan No. 42
+62 22 4234922 +62 22 4202245 +62 22 4201947
Alas Demang Gudeg Yogya Pondok Sate Banyoemas
Jl. Kalipah Apo jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 79 Jl. Buah Batu No. 255
+62 22 4234155 +62 22 7310504 +62 22 7303072
Ampera Haji Isak Pondok Sate Laksana
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 394 Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 3 Jl. Burangrang No. 38
+62 22 5208446 +62 22 6017438 +62 22 7333938
Andalas Handayani Pondok Sate Mang Oyok
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 601 Jl. Sukajadi No. 153 Jl. Sentra Sari Mall Kav B4/92
+62 22 7310615 +62 22 2033424 +62 22 2016125
Arimas Ibu Haji Ciganea Ponyo Alam Sejuk
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 161 Jl. Lodaya No. 29 Jl. Kol. Masturi No. 8 Lembang
+62 22 2786696 +62 22 2787768
Ikan Bakar Cianjur
Ayam Bengawan Solo Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 67 Riung Panyileukan
Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 69 +62 22 2033453 Jl. Raya Lembang No. 176
+62 22 4233471 +62 22 2786787
Ikan Bakar Khas Manado
Ayam Cobek Langganan Jl. Rama No. 36 Riung Sari
Jl. Cihampelas No. 316 +62 22 6014232 Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 22
+62 22 4206723; 4213771
Ayam Djogja Ikan Bakar Setiabudi
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 140 Jl. Junjungan No. 157 Sapo
+62 22 2033429 +62 22 6073504 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 289
Ayam Djogja Iteung Sari Agung
Jl. Kejaksaan No. 5 Jl. Sadakeling No. 3 Jl. Telepon No. 2
+62 22 4203017 +62 22 7306060
Sari Agung
Ayam Gorang Wibisana Jasa Mekar Jaya Jl. Telepon No. 25
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 322 Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 158
Sari Bundo
Ayam Goreng Brebes Jl. Gegerkalong HilIr No. 28
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 272 Jaya Baru +62 22 2011751
+62 22 2787541 Jl. Alkateri No. 2
+62 22 4232935 Sari Nikmat Parasmanan
Ayam Goreng Cianjur Jl. Veteran No. 78
Jl. Sunda No. 57 Kampoeng Kuring +62 22 4264332
+62 22 4236945;513187 Jl. Cihampelas No. 30
+62 22 4263638< Sari Parahyangan
Ayam Goreng Cipaganti Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 156-158
Jl. Cipaganti No. 146 Kedai Sunyaragi +62 22 7205788
+62 22 2042751 Jl. Dr. Otten No. 11 A
+62 22 4235402 Sari Raos I
Ayam Goreng Cirebon Ny. Lauw Jl. Raya Lembang No. 240
Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 143-149 kedai Tempo Doeloe +62 22 2786990
Bandung Trade Centre +62 22 6126650 Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 154
+62 22 7211712 Sari Raos II
Ayam Goreng Indrawati Jl. Cihampelas No. 122
Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 3 C Khas makasar +62 22 2038993
+62 22 4237182 Jl. Gandapura No. 75
+62 22 4207534 Sari Sunda
Ayam Goreng Lombok Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 77
Jl. Kalipah Apo No. 80 Lo Mie 61 +62 22 4238125
+62 22 4234233 Jl. Kalipah Apo No. 73
Sari Sunda
Ayam Goreng Nikmat Lomie Karuhun Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 20
Jl. Cihampelas No. 119 Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 64 +62 22 4230598
+62 22 2043593 +62 22 4240928
Sari Sunda
Ayam Goreng Panaitan Lotek Kalipah Apo Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 479
Jl. Panaitan No. 39 Jl. Kalipah Apo No. 42 +62 22 7300696
+62 22 4237684 +62 22 4205983
Sate Kardjan
Ayam Goreng Pemuda Surabaya Lotek Soto Bandung Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 46
Jl. Pasir Koja No. 19 Jl. Astina No. 12 +62 22 7307166
+62 22 5206400
M. B. Padasuka Sate Pak Gino
Ayam Goreng Pringgodani Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 887 Jl. Sunda No. 76
Jl. Cihampelas No. 97 +62 22 4203946
+62 22 2032183 Ma Uneh

Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 159 Saung Dago
Ayam Goreng Raos Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 151 A
Jl. Semar No. 15 Mang Kabayan +62 22 2532047
Jl. Buah Batu No. 252
Ayam Goreng Silih Asih Saung Kabayan
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 326 Mbo Berek Jl. Dr. Junjunan 107
+62 22 2786875 Jl. GandapuraNo. 6 +62 22 6038370
+62 22 7208496
Ayam Goreng Sinar Pemuda 2 Saung Ranggon
Jl. Karapitan No. 108 D Mbok Berek Ny. Umi Jl. Tangkuban Perahu 100 Lembang
+62 22 4238646 Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 165 +62 22 2768215
+62 22 6031964
Ayam Goreng Suharti Saung Rasa
Jl. Cipaganti No. 171 Mie Kocok SKM Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 259
+62 22 2038677 Jl. Sunda No. 38
+62 22 4201582 Saung Rossan
Ayam Goreng Wijaya Jl. Sersan Bajuri No. I00
Jl. Kebon Kawung No. 16 Mie Kocok Subur +62 22 2003047
+62 22 4213468 Jl. Suryani Dalam No. 6
Sedep Malem
Ayam Goreng Wong Solo Mie Senlie Jl. Burangrang No. 11
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 167 Jl. Alun-alun Timur No. 3-7 +62 22 7303966

+62 22 4233424
Ayam Rempah Simpang Jaya
Jl. Karang Tinggal No. 30 Mindo rasa Jl. Cikutra No. 164
Jl. Cihampelas No. 124 +62 22 7274410
Babakan Siliwangi +62 22 4230862
Jl. Siliwangi No. 7 Simpang Raya
+62 22 2501394 Moch. Atie Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 119
Jl. Moh. Toha No. 224 +62 22 6018018
Bale Kambang
Jl. Bungur No. 2 Nasi Pulen Simpang Raya
+62 22 2038386 Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 148 Jl. Asia Afrika No. 162
+62 22 4203744 +62 22 4205969
Jl. Karapitan No. 25 Naya Sindang Heula
+62 22 7311134 Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 14 Jl. Otista No. 16
+62 22 2035594
Baso Mandeep Sindang Reret
Jl. Prof. Dr. G Surya Sumantri No. 60 A Ny. Yong Jl. Surapati No. 53
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 144 +62 22 2501474
Batik Tulis Garutan
Jl. Pasir Salam Asri E1-E2 Otak-otak modern Soto Ayam Bangkong
+62 22 5223271 Jl. Bahureksa No. 14 Jl. Buah Batu No. 270
+62 22 4208798 +62 22 7304849
Boga Kuring
Jl. Dago Bukit Utara No. 53 Pancoran Soto Ayam Ponogoro
+62 22 2505365 Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 96-98 Jl. Pajajaran No. 68
+62 22 2038268
Boga Restaurant Soto Bandung
Jl. Kepatihan No. 2 Pangandaran Jl. Cibadak No. 93
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 168 +62 22 4205336
Boga Sunda +62 22 5410279
Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 63 Soto Po

Panineungan Endah Jl. Ksatriaan No. 5
Dago Panineungan Jl. Tubagus Ismail 60 +62 22 6012244
Jl. Ir.H.Juanda No. 153 +62 22 2503470
+62 22 2502011; 2532032 Soto Po

Panyileukan Jl. Veteran No. 76
Daun Pisang Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 855 +62 22 4267032
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 154 +62 22 7800416
+62 22 2037575 Soto Po

Pariboga Restaurant Jl. Kelenteng No. 32
Duta Minang Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 112
Jl. Pemuda Pejuang 45 No. 62 +62 22 2501745 Sukur Resto Indo, PT
+62 22 7300608 Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 130
Grandia Komp. Sumber Sari T-8 Sunda Kelapa
Jl. Cihampelas No. 80-82 Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 187-189
Pondok Kelapa/ Gek Sor +62 22 6013576; 6018179
Griya Dahar Ibu Kadi Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 627
Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 178 +62 22 6037627 Warung Nasi Bu Haji
+62 22 2013178 Jl. Lombok No. 9
Pondok Kuotie
Gudeg Banda Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 142
Jl. Lombok No. 57 +62 22 7273530
+62 22 4204933