Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obyek Wisata Selat Pantar di Alor Belum Dijamah

Kupang, NTT Online - Obyek wisata Selat Pantar di wilayah perairan Kabupaten Alor, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) yang kaya habitat laut, jenis karang dan ikan belum dijamah.

Bupati Alor, Ans Takalapeta dalam percakapan dengan Antara di Kupang, Rabu mengatakan, pemerintah Kabupaten Alor sudah mulai melirik kawasan itu untuk ditata dan dijadikan sebagai obyek wisata bahari.

"Saya sudah mengeluarkan regulasi berupa Surat Keputusan (SK) Bupati tentang penetapan Selat Pantar dan sekitarnya sebagai Taman Laut," katanya.

Kebijakan itu, kata dia, langsung mendapatkan respon dari Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan RI dan melalui Direktorat Kelautan, Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil melakukan survei lapangan untuk menilai calon kawasan konservasi laut daerah Kabupaten Alor.

Dari hasil survei, kata Takalapeta, telah ditetapkan tujuh zona, baik pemanfaatannya dan zona perlindungan yang masuk konservasi laut.

Saat ini, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan sedang menyusun rencana tata ruang dalam rangka penataan kawasan konservasi laut di Selat Pantar.

Dia menambahkan, pemerintah Kabupaten Alor juga telah menetapkan sistem pengelolaan yang meliputi kelembagaan, sumber daya manusia, pembiayaan, peraturan daerah, monitoring, evaluasi dan pelaporan.

Langkah ini untuk untuk mengoptimalkan pengelolaan kawasan di sekitar Selat Pantar, katanya.

Dalam hubungan dengan pengelolaan, dia mengatakan, pengelolaan ekosistem lebih dititikberatkan pada pengelolaan integritas ekologi dari suatu ekosistem secara keseluruhan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek pemanfaatannya.

Sistem ini sekaligus akan menjaga dan mempertahankan kawasan itu menjadi kawasan yang tetap mendapatkan perlindungan, kata Bupati Ans Takalapeta. antara

Putri Duyung Cottage

Putri Duyung Cottage is a family health in the cottage and is located in the coastal area of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. There are currently 128 to 133 cottage with many amenities that are in the area of 70,000 square meters this. Usually-cottage This cottage is named in accordance with the names of sea animals such as Kerang, Sea Horses, Kerapu, tuna, Duyung, Pope and Marlin.

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol


As a tourist area, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol was already established since 17th century. That time, Governor General of Dutch East Indies, Adriaan Valckenier, home health has a very beautiful by the beach. Over time, the area was later developed into tourist attractions.

Unfortunately, when World War II burst followed a war of independence, Ancol forgotten. Ciliwung River is freely shed water and lumpurnya to change the region so that there is a dirty, dirty, and muddy. Regions that beautiful, like a hideous turn into 'the genie dispose children'.

Then, there was a suggestion that the area was one of the industry enabled. However, the proposal was rejected point-blank by President Soekarno. Instead, Bung Karno want to build the area as a regional tour. Through Presidential Decree at the end of December 1965, Bung Karno ordered the Governor of DKI Jaya that time, dr. Soemarno, as implementers of development projects Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. This new development projects done under the command of Ali Sadikin that when it became the Governor of Jakarta. Development conducted by PD Ancol Pembangunan Jaya under Ir. Ciputra.


Uniqueness Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park in the earlier establishment by the Theater dibangunnya Cars in 1970. Following recreational facilities built popularize the presence Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park, not only in the capital of the community, but also throughout the country.

Development projects continue to be until now. Cadger styled, the hotel was built, the golf course, and a variety of games are presented. This means that recreational and entertainment facilities in the Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park will be complete. In the following years, the recreational facilities and entertainment focused on the high entertainment facilities. It was started with dibangunnya area Dreamland Park "Fantasy" phase I in 1985.

Now, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol standing on the land area of 552 hectares, have become tourist attractions and recreational games, and it the largest in Indonesia.

Cost Log In

Enter through the main gate Rp. 12.000 / person, 12.000/mobil Rp, Rp. 10.000/motor (update September 2008)

Tourism object in Ancol

* Fantasy
* Gelanggang Ocean
* Atlantis Water Adventure - playing pool in Ancol. Many facilities such as game seluncur with a height of approximately 15-20m. In one part, there is a pool on a certain time to make big waves, so all people in the pool feels like there is in the sea
* Art Market
* Transport Indonesia
* Marina
* Carnaval Beach
* Beach Festival
* Beach Park
* Hailai Mercure
* Padang Golf Ancol
* Gantung Jet Train
* Ice World
* Pulau Bidadari


* Putri Duyung Cottage
* Hotel Raddin
* Hotel Mercure
* Hotel Tour
* Ancol Mansion (opening soon)


Jakarta Metropolitan City

Jakarta Metropolitan City in the call, but actually also in Jakarta worth a City Museum. Many of the museum is here, especially in the area of Old Jakarta Kota. At this time in more than 30 museums with the kind of different. Museum-museum is managed by various parties, such as the Central Government, Local Governments, government agencies / private sector, and groups / individuals.

Pemda DKI Jakarta through the Office of Museum and restoration (DMP) is relatively much manage the museum. Museum-museum under the control of DMP is Jakarta History Museum (Museum Fatahillah), Wayang Museum, Museum of Visual Arts, Ceramics Museum, Museum Bahari, Museum (Parks) Prasasti, Textile Museum, Museum (Building)'45 fighting, MH Museum Thamrin, Central Information and Culture and History of Jakarta.

Jakarta is a city that has a fairly complete history of the period, from the prehistoric period until today. Objects from the period that is presented before the various museums. Jakarta History Museum is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 2, West Jakarta. Areal extent of the museum more than 13,000 square meters. Ancient architecture building style 17th century. This building was named Stadhuis or Central City. Jakarta History Museum was established on 30 March 1974. Various objects that can be witnessed in this museum, among others, the history of Jakarta, results of archaeological excavation in Jakarta, antique furniture from the 18-th century, ceramic, gerabah, and the stone inscription. -Collection collection are located in different rooms, such as space prehistoric Jakarta, Tarumanegara Space, Space Fatahillah, Jayakarta Room, Room of Sultan Agung, and the space MH Thamrin.

There are also various collections of the Betawi culture, numismatik, and sloppy. Even now diperkaya with a statue of the god Hermes was located in the Harmony and perempatan The sturdy shell is seen that magical strength. Do not forget, the Jakarta History Museum, there is land under the former prison that was very frightening.

Around in
Not far from here, cross over to the left, there is the Museum Wayang. Located at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27, West Jakarta. Originally this building called De Oude Hollandsche Kerk. Use of the Museum Wayang inaugurated on 13 August 1975. Wayang Museum and exhibit various types of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of wood and leather and other materials. Puppet-puppet from abroad have also here, for example from China and Cambodia. Until the collection is now more than 4,000 units, consisting of leather puppet, puppet show, puppet cardboard, grass puppets, puppet leaf, mask, puppet and gamelan. Dolls generally come from Europe. Not far from the Jakarta History Museum, cross over to the right there is a Museum of Visual Arts and Ceramics Museum. Both museums are in this one building, the Visual Arts Center and Ceramics in Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 1, Jakarta Barat. Visual Arts Museum exhibit various works of painting from various streams, such as naturalism, abstract and surealisme. Indonesian painter who saved his work here, among others, Raden Saleh, Affandi, Sudjojono, and Basuki Abdullah.

Ceramics Museum displays collections of ceramics and ceramic foreigners, such as the digging arkeologis and donations and purchases from various parties. Highest number of Chinese ceramics, ceramics overtake Japan, Siam (Thailand), Annam (Vietnam), and Europe. Collection of local ceramics, among derived from Kasongan, Plered, Medan, Palembang, and Singkawang. In addition to traditional ceramics also held kemarik modern ceramics or creative work artists Indonesia.

Somewhat to the north there is the Museum Bahari. Located in Jalan Pasar Ikan No. 1, Jakarta Barat. This museum presents a collection of life-related kebaharian and kenelayanan of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Collections that consist of various types of traditional boats with various shapes, styles and decorative whim. Also presented a variety of model ships and modern equipment support activities voyage. On the other hand displayed a collection marine biota and various fishing equipment.

In Tanah Abang
There are also areas where the tomb inscription exhibit figures history of Indonesia. This place called the Museum (Parks) Prasasti. Museum located at Jalan Tanah Abang I, Jakarta Pusat save this inscription is also the nation-tomb inscription Netherlands. Leaders of Indonesia prasastinya who are here, among others, Miss Riboet (theatrical character) and Soe Hok Gie (student leaders). Meanwhile, leaders of the nation Dutch inscription is Dr. WF Stutterheim (archaeological expert), Dr. HF Roll (Stovia founder), and JHR Kohler (Aceh War leaders). Still in the area of Tanah Abang, the No Through Road. 4, Jakarta Pusat, we can pay a visit to the Textile Museum. Museum exhibit this pattern, decorative batik whim, and various textiles acquired from all corners of the archipelago. Traditional weaving tools khasanah participate enrich this collection of the museum. Many types of textile museum does not display this because I already too old.

There are in Menteng Museum (Building)'45 fighting. Museum located at Jalan Menteng Raya. 31, Jakarta Pusat, this exhibit photos documenting the history of the struggle over the nation 1945-1950. There are also a number of the struggle of painting, sculpture warrior figure and pennant. Collections other form of REP1 and REP2 car, the car agencies authorized President Soekarno and Vice President Moh. Hatta. Two other museums that are managed DMP MH Thamrin Museum and Information Center History and Culture Jakarta. MH Thamrin Museum is located at Jalan Kenari, Central Jakarta, this exhibit photos documenting the struggle of MH Thamrin in achieving independence. MH Thamrin own is the name of the combatants Jakarta who enshrined his name among others to the project of making the village street and road names protocol. The history of Central Information and Culture is located in the Jakarta Jalan Silang Monas Jakarta, Central Jakarta. The collection includes photographs and miniature objects of history, city planning and cultural development of Jakarta. Because by the government (local), the museum, this museum looks less bite. Lack of maintenance funds and energy management exquisite. Many museum collections and cared less tersaji with the slick. Dust, for example, terbalut in many collections. The lack of light is still found in many rooms. Information about the collection pickup often confuses visitors. City of Culture as the authorities must improve the quality of the museum. Thus, tour museums in Jakarta akan developed as inviting charm the tourists. Moreover, the museum is a window of knowledge as well as tourism and cultural education.
(Djulianto Susantio)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Four Regions of Tourism in the province NTT

KUPANG, kompass-Did you know the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which comprises 19 districts / cities have been divided into four tourism areas. Plt.Kepala Office of Tourism Arts and Culture NTT, Emanuel Kara, in Kupang, Wednesday (19/11) said that this is related to the need to request the Governor of NTT thought an area tour starting from the end of the island of Flores until Lembata Island and Timor, Sumba, Alor and Rote.

The first cluster consists of the island of Timor which include Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan (TTU), Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) and Belu, the area is bordered by the countries of East Timor.

Second cluster includes the Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Manggarai, Manggarai, East, and Ngada Nagekeo and the third cluster includes Ende, Sikka, East Flores and Lembata District. Cluster includes the four-to Kabupaten Sumba Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, East Sumba and East Sumba. "So the whole island of Sumba in the entrance area of a cluster or tourism," he said.

Determining the cluster is done with a variety of considerations including the icon. Cluster that includes two Manggarai region as a whole and Nagekeo Ngada including, for example, is iconnya Komodo National Park (TNK).

Cluster that includes three Ende, Sikka, East Flores and Lembata, with three-color icon Kelimuti Lake, in East Flores Friday Procession there and in the marine park have Sikka and Lembata fishing with the Pope's traditional.

"If the Sumba region to focus on cultural tourism, while in the mainland with the island of Timor in the tradition of the Boti, ekowisata also in the area pengunungan Mutis, Alor Garden with Sea and the Rote Nambrela," he said.

Thus defined area along with tourism-icon icon. This is to attract tourists to visit areas of the tour, he said.

With its open in the area is indeed open a tourism opportunities in the field of investment, such as hospitality and eating houses. When this government to stay focused supporting infrastructure development. That is, accessibility to and from tourism must be built, he said.

Source: Antara

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ant Nest

Semut nest is one of the plants that grow drugs in the land of Papua. Latinnya name of this plant is Myrmecodia sp. Recently, many ant nest to search for people based on a number of research experts, this nutritious plants, healing various diseases. On page 77, Nirmala Magazine, July 2006 edition, mentioned that the tradition Sarang Semut has been used by native people of Wamena to treat rheumatism and disease acid strand. Meanwhile, according to research by experts Biotechnology LIPI, the main substance of the Sarang Semut is a flavonoid, tannin and polifenol. Oxygen-oxygen is a strong antioksi and several times stronger than vitamin C and E, giving effect reduce the risk of some types of cancer and disease is evidenced kardiovaskuler.Bahkan plants also treat diarrhea and stop the bleeding. In addition Semut Sarang bias preventing the enzyme xanthine oxidase reduce acid nutritious grain and improve kidney function. There is still active substances that have not terungkap.Seorang herbalis, Hendro Saputro, has been researching Semut Sarang since 2001 (natura, June 2006). Hendro drug benefit has mencobakan Sarang Semut on himself to heal pain that has been the backbone dideritanya for many years. Hendro convincing empirical test that Sarang Semut useful for spinal pain, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis lungs, brain cancer, uterus cancer, prostat, speed recovery birth mother, reproduce asi, Papua dll. Masyarakat traditionally use the boil the meat tubers that have been dried up mendidih.Kemudian ago drink filtered water. According to Mrs. Septina Maniani, one of the seller Sarang Semut, he has been treated several times more people. "There is a sick gut, I boiled in water, and good results. There was also a sick heart, let me stew Sarang Semut, results were also satisfactory. It's affected by cancer or tumor, after I give compound Sarang Semut, the patient is not so treatment to Jakarta. According to the doctor, the patient should be operated. "Septina mother, who is also a professional teacher, find their own ant nest in the forest." Most people only drink water rebusannya only. But if you want to get a more satisfactory result then the stew is necessary, by the five types of other traditional ingredients. "Lima types of additional ingredients, the herb is a traditional raw material typical of Papua. To 1 kg dry ant nest is the price: Rp. 500000 Mixed type of additional five traditional herb has been provided with composition of different customized with disease, age, gender, health condition and the patient.

When you are in need Sarang Semut, please contact:

Mother Septina Maniani
No. HP.: 0852 5413 2224
Jl. Brawijaya, Rear Catholic junior, Manokwari,
Province of West Papua